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Moving Image

  • Stop motion animation (also called stop frame animation) is animation that is captured one frame at time, with physical objects that are moved between frames. When you play back the sequence of images rapidly, it creates the illusion of movement. (Google)

Some claymations that I really liked:

One with a whiteboard:  

I like this one because I thought it was really cool idea to do a animation on a whiteboard



This animation is really cool because it’s just showing how to make spaghetti but it is also pointing out many flaws in their society, like how they just throw a way money, or in this case eat it. 


One of the projects we had to do this year in my media arts class  is that we needed to make a claymation. One of my best friends, Rachel, worked on this project with me. She came up with most of the sotryline, and I helped with making the set, filming and editing our video. It's a really funny story about how Kirby is having a nice relaxing day and gets into a fight with a bunch of rabbits.I hope you enjoy watching it!

Three Things to Remember When Making A Claymation

- Always keep the camera steady, use a tripod or some sort of holder for your camera.

- Shoot a whole scene at a time, never stop in the middle of a scene because the lighting could be different, and the characters could have moved.

- Have fun with it, this form of articsitc media is really only limited by your imagination.

Another one of the projects we did the semester were learning how  to make GIFs. The first one I made is of these red rain boots jumping into a puddle and then dissapearing into the water. I just wanted to create something simple for my first GIF, so I just used simple shapes in photo shop to create the boots and puddle. I got the idea for them to fall through the puddle from this one youtuber, The Action Kid, who in one of his videos had his son jump through a puddle. I made the second one just because I love watching the sunset, and I found a really cool sun shape on photoshop. The last one I made was more just for fun, and I found these great puzzle shapes on photoshop, and I wanted to make just a really bright and fun little GIF. I had a lot of fun making these and learning more about GIFs.

For my culminating project I chose to do a few GIFs. My theme was the beach/summer becasue I only have a few more days of school and I am really excited about summer break! I did the sunset because I love watching sunsets and I wanted to try making a GIF from taking photos on a blackbaord and then animating them. I made the beach bag one by taking photos of the objects I laid out and that was a really cool method to try. for the last one I just took pictures and animated them in Photoshop. I hope you enjoy them! 

This semseter my friend Rachel and I also made a parody video. We decided to focus on how many teenagers these days are so attatched to their phone, but in a comical way. 

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